Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Music Speaks with us?

An International language to communicate with our feelings. Every songs that we made has its own outcome to the listener. Even though the language are different the music speaks through our mind and soul.

Lot's of people write their stories and turn onto a song. For those who want to be heard, most likely make this strategies to burst out what they feel. Proving something about ourselves, others support by showing their compassion but not enough to understand. This make sense for us, knowing every emotions that they put on their music. By the reactions of the hearers. It reflects through the composer's intentions.

Commiserating music is the best way to learn and understood others without explaining or translating words.

Different genres sometimes change our fashion lifestyle. It became a fashion to unlike music that we listen. A style that we live through musics, makes us to be with it and turn into a different personality.
Living music modifies real value of  understanding that takes a big role in the society we are living.